Monday, June 13, 2011

Sister Wedding Update Part 2

So after a few months of waiting, my dress finally came in.

I was so excited because I've never had a long dress (outside of my wedding dress), so being able to wear a formal dress that was long enough was very exciting for me.

I got to the store and went to try on the dress, only to find out that it was STILL to short. Even with extra length my ankles were still very visible.

So now I have to find another dress. On the up side, I'm the only bridesmaid, which means I can pick whatever dress I want from any dress designer I want. I've been looking around the web and have found a few dresses I like, including one I was looking at when she first got engaged.

I love this dress. I love everything about this dress. My only concern is that I can't usually do an A-line, so I'm going to start calling around to see if anyone has this dress in stock for me to try on.

I'm a big fan of the one shoulder dress. I do worry that this would make my head look smaller, but again I would have to try it on first.

This one is a lot like the dress I already purchased, so I feel pretty confident that worst case I could order it. The nice thing about this line is that the long dress is a little longer than the one I have, so the additional length should make it long enough.

I was really trying to stay away from a short dress because I would then need to purchase heals. However, this is a great option if I can't find a long dress I like because it's T-Length and I love the neckline. So it wouldn't be my first choice, but is definitely an option.

So that is where we stand right now. Once we get things finalized with the house purchase, I'm going to start making calls around to local shops and see if I can find anyone who has any of these in stock for me to try on. If not, I just go and start trying stuff on. Wish me luck! I'll post pictures once I settle on something.


  1. Oh Brynn, I absolutely ADORE your blog. I love the diversity in your posts and it's just all very interesting to read. Very pretty dresses, the first is my favourite. And the colour! This post makes me want to go dress shopping.

  2. Thanks Michelle! I'm clearly not ever going to have a themed blog. LOL :) First is my favorite too. Hoping I can find one to try on somewhere.
